10 Things You Didn’t Know About Hitler
The everyday life of one the most horrific dictators in history.
His Nazi Rallies were Inspired by Harvard Cheerleaders:
Hitler’s good friend, Ernst Hanfstaengl, had been sent to study at
Harvard by his parents. When he returned, he described the cheerleaders
to Adolf, who became obsessed with the idea of stirring blind enthusiasm
in this way. “‘Rah, rah, rah’ became “Sig Heil, Heil Hitler,”
Hanfstaengl recalled later. “That is the origin of it, and I suppose I
must take my part of the blame.”
He was a draft dodger:
As an Austrian, he was required to register for the draft at the age of
20. Historians believe that his failure to do this is the reason he
changed addresses so frequently in this period. After five years,
Austrian authorities finally tracked him to Munich. They returned him to
Austria, where he promptly failed his military physical, was judged
unfit for combat, and let go.
He was a chronic hypochondriac:
He feared disease, and diagnosed himself with numerous conditions,
mostly intestinal disorders. He treated these with medications
containing poisonous wood alcohol, atropine and strychnine, and bacteria
cultivated from human feces. He resorted to leeches to lower his blood
pressure. And near the end of the war, he became increasingly concerned
about “fresh air poisoning.”
He became a vegetarian after attending the autopsy of a girlfriend:
She killed herself after being actively pursued by Hitler. He
was grief stricken, and felt compelled to attend the autopsy.
Afterwards, he refused to eat meat, and took every opportunity to ruin
meat for others. He would often make jokes about preparing a pudding
made from his blood, and called beef broth “corpse tea”
Hitler enjoyed playing practical jokes on his staff:
One of his favorite targets was his foreign minister. He would have a
staffer call the minister with the news that Hitler was furious with
something he had said. Hitler would listen on the phone, providing
further instructions to drive the minister to a nervous breakdown. One
prank famously backfired, when he sent Ernst Hanfstaengl into Spain on a
plane full of Gestapo, and made him think he was being set up for a
suicide mission. Hanfstaengl took an opportunity while refueling to
board a train to Switzerland, and before anyone could let him in on the
joke, he turned himself in to the Allies, becoming an invaluable source
of information.
Hitler was an accomplished whistler:
He experimented briefly with playing the harmonica and flute, and
sang occasionally, but whistling was his best talent. He could whistle
loudly and on pitch, and could even reproduce long passages from Wagner
with incredible accuracy.
He was a rabid fan of cinema:
Having been inspired to a life of oratory prowess by the 1910 film
The Tunnel, Hitler was a lifelong fan of movies. After gaining power, he
regularly held private screenings for his inner circle. His favorite
actresses were Greta Garbo and Shirley Temple. He didn”t care for
Charlie Chaplin, even before he made The Great Dictator, and it’s
doubtful he ever saw it. He also enjoyed King Kong, even taking to
celebrating victories by pounding his chest.
He had a remarkable sweet tooth:
Hitler regularly ate up to two pounds of chocolate a day, in
addition to pastries and hot chocolate with copious amounts of whipped
cream. He generally took his tea with seven teaspoons of sugar, and
Ernst Hanfstaengl once witnessed Hitler adding spoonfuls of sugar to a
glass of red wine.
He is seen in a famous photograph taken at the beginning of World War One:
It is a picture taken by Heinrich Hoffman, who incidentally would
later become Hitler’s personal photographer, on the day Germany declared
war on Russia in 1914. Hitler can be seen, just an anonymous face in
the crowd, clearly very excited by the prospect of war.

He would serve as a dispatch runner in the war, thriving on the
terrible conditions at the front, before mustard gas damaged his vocal
chords, forcing Hitler to learn to speak again.
His dog had a rather large effect on his war policy:
Hitler was very proud of his German Shepherd named Blondi. He spent
countless hours training her, and would even interrupt meetings with
generals to practice her tricks. The generals realized that if Blondi
did well, Hitler was in a better mood, and more likely to take their
advice. If she did poorly, he would become sullen and stubborn. One of
the officers later said, “I sometimes had the impression that the
outcome of the Russian campaign depended more on Blondi than the German
general staff.
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